Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Different Perspectives and Stories - Assignments 5 and 6

TAKE ONE: Another Rainy Day

“Stop it! You don’t play fair!” I bellowed, racing out of the backyard in a desperate escape from my brother and his friends. I had narrowly darted a mouth full of mud pie but an almond speck managed to freckle my cheek.

In the middle of the street I discovered my faithful companion. She was crouched down, deeply entranced by the newly created pond. Her hands grasped my favorite pink umbrella and she wore my old swimming suit. The clouds continued their tantrum, sprinkling droplets onto the soiled terrain. Thanks to the embracing arms of my nylon shield, she was protected from the weather.

As I approached, Sarah smiled displaying her petite teeth. I joined her underneath the pastel arc. A pasty worm surfaced. Its withered body squirmed, displaying its deep anguish of being discarded from its dirt home. Frightened, Sarah cried out and clawed my arm.

“Silly! It’s only a worm! It’s not gonna hurt you! Look!” I poked my finger at the poor creature. She cooed in admiration. I cupped my hands around the umbrella, tightly clenching her left hand. “Nothing can hurt us when we are together.”

TAKE TWO: Sarah’s Side

"Hey Sarah!" Emily shouts as she runs across the front yard. "Look at my new swimming suit. Isn't it cool?"

"I hate the Little Mermaid," I say quietly. Emily doesn't seem to hear me. That would have made her really mad. She loves Ariel. Our room is full of her. She's on the bed sheets and on the wall. Emily even has a mermaid doll that looks like Ariel. We're always watching the movie even though I always want to see Beauty and the Beast. But Emily gets whatever she wants.

She continues, "Well, do you want to play house?"

No, I don't want to play with you! Not today. Not after you ran off to Jake's house and left me alone yesterday. I hate it when you do that. You have so many friends and I only have dolls. They aren't even new. They're your stupid rejects, your hand-me-downs. Old ones with ugly hair and dirty clothes. I'm tired of them. I want new dolls with bright pink dresses and soft blonde hair. I want to go to preschool and make a lot of friends so I can play with them all day and not you!

Since I don't say anything outloud she asks "Are you mad?"

She waits for an answer but I keep my mouth shut.

"You can hold my umbrella for a little bit. I mean, if you want to, you can."

Again, I look into the water, silent.

"Sarah!" She whines. "Why won't you talk to me?"

"Because you're mean!" I shout. I stomp my feet in the rain water and make little balls out of my hands.

"You're just mad because Mommy told you that you can't go to preschool with me."

"No I'm not!" I shriek. I sit down in puddle and cross my arms. "I'm sad because you don't like to play with me anymore." "

That's not true!" She says. "Mommy makes me go to Jake's house because he doesn't have any friends. Don't worry. I like you more than him. You're my sister so you will always be my favorite."

"You promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

I smile and grab the umbrella.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you!!